3 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Egg

3 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Egg

Eggs are a healthy addition to a diet because they help improve cognitive health as eggs comprise all the nutrients needed for a great mind. It contains vitamin B12, B6, Choline, and Folate. These nutrients help control the mood and memory of an individual. It is also an egg that contains 26% of a woman’s daily suggested value of choline.

According to “Healthline” below are some of the things that happen to your body when you eat eggs every day.

1. Raise HDL (The “Good”) Cholesterol

HDL means high-density lipoprotein. It is constantly called the “good” cholesterol.

Individuals who possess higher levels of HDL normally possess a lower possibility of developing heart disease, stroke, and other health crises.

Consuming eggs is a good way to improve HDL. Research shows that consuming two eggs each day for six weeks heightens HDL levels by 10%.

2. Are Linked to a Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

LDL cholesterol is commonly called the “bad” cholesterol.

It is well known that possessing high levels of LDL is associated with a heightened possibility of developing heart disease.

Research has revealed that individuals who possess predominantly small, dense LDL particles have a higher possibility of developing heart disease than individuals who possess mainly large LDL particles.

Eggs tend to mildly increase LDL cholesterol in some individuals, research has indicated that the particles change from small, dense to large LDL, which lowers the risk of developing heart disease.

3. Contain Choline — a Vital Nutrient That Most individuals Don’t Get Enough Of

Choline is a nutrient that most individuals do not know that it exists, regardless it is an extremely crucial nutrient and is constantly grouped with the B vitamins.


Choline is used in building cell membranes and plays a part in the production of signaling molecules in the brain, along with other functions.

The symptoms of choline deficiency are severe, so fortunately it is not common.

Whole eggs are rich in choline. A single egg comprises more than 100 mg of this extremely vital nutrient.


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