5 Ways Ladies Can Make Their Private Parts Free From Infection After Intimacy

At least one urinary tract infection (UTI) affects almost half of all l women at some point in their lives, and many of us get many more. When bacteria enters the urinary tract through the urethra and causes an infection, this is known as a urinary tract infection (UTI). While anybody can have a UTI, those who have vaginal canals are more vulnerable because their urethras are shorter, allowing bacteria to reach the bladder more quickly and easily.

Even if UTIs aren’t a huge cause for concern, let’s face it: they’re a nuisance to deal with — literally, they make it difficult to pee. So let us discuss how to avoid them in the first place.

According to WebMD, the following ways can help prevent infection after intimacy.

1. Pee after intimacy if you’re prone to UTIs.

Women who have recurring UTIs should visit the bathroom even if nature does not demand for intimacy. Bacteria from the rectum, which is close to the urethra and the private organ, can reach close to the urethra and cause an infection, especially in women who are prone to UTIs. The bacteria mechanically present at the urethra’s end are washed away by the urine.

2. Go commando.

Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting PJs to keep your privates dry—or better yet, go commando for optimum air circulation—to stave off UTIs and other illnesses while you’re so fresh and clean. According to the National Institute of Women’s Health, at the very least, avoid nylon underwear and tight-fitting sleepwear, which can trap moisture and aid bacteria growth.

3. Drink Water.

After intercourse, you may need to hydrate. Because dehydration affects the entire body, if your mouth is dry and/or your private organ feels like sandpaper during intimacy, you should drink plenty of water. Drink a pint or two of water right after intimacy. This will hydrate you and aid in the removal of bacteria that can cause a urinary tract infection from your bladder.

4. Eat probiotic-rich foods.

Yogurt and other fermented foods contain the same beneficial bacteria found in women’s reproductive organs. After intimacy, nibbling on these items can assist to replace the body’s beneficial bacteria, lowering your chance of yeast infection.


5. Check for signs of bleeding or pain.


You are the most familiar with your body, but that does not mean you can take it for granted.


Keep an eye out for any post-coitus harm to your private organ, as well as any pain or blood. Abnormal bleeding or discharge after intercourse should not be overlooked; it could indicate an infection or a lesion in your reproductive tract.


Similarly, any form of post-infection pain or bleeding could indicate an infection or friction caused by the condom.



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