Mistakes You Should Avoid During Sex

Intercourse is an intimate relationship between males and females that enhances pleasure and reproduction. However, it is quite unfortunate that a lot of people make different kinds of mistakes during intercourse which could put them at risk of infection.

In this article in line with a publication on “Webmd”, we shall be looking at some mistakes you should avoid during intercourse. They include.

Using Expired Condoms

Unfortunately, most people use a condom without checking to know whether or not it has expired. It is advisable not to forget to check the expiration date. If a condom is dry, sticky, or stiff when you take it out, please dump it and use a fresh one.

Unprotected Intercourse During Your Period

This is one of the common mistakes people make in our society today. Pregnancy is more common when you’re on period. That’s around the middle of your cycle. You’re most fertile during these 5-7 days. However, engaging in unprotected intercourse can lead to unwanted pregnancy and may even put you at risk of developing an infection.

Not Getting Tested For STIs

It is important to always go for a medical check-up to know if you are free from infection. Don’t think you are free when you have not gotten any reports from health care professionals.

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