There are health benefits that men can get from eating garlic and ginger. Some of us don’t like to touch garlic, let alone put it in our mouths.
Garlic and ginger can benefit your reproductive health in many ways, and I will be showing you how to consume them without feeling irritated by their odor.
First, let’s look at how garlic and ginger benefit men’s health. According to Healthline, blood circulation to the penis of men is very essential. Otherwise, they will suffer from erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, quick ejaculation, and many other health conditions.
In medical language, when blood vessels that carry blood to the testicles become varicosed and there’s a roadblock, they call it a varicocele.
When there’s varicocele, there won’t be sperm production because the raw material is not reaching the factory, so there can’t be production.
Usually, they will do minor surgery to open up those blood vessels to allow circulation. However, if you thin your blood with garlic, then the blood will manage to squeeze through the narrow path and still reach where it is needed and deliver nutrients for spermatogenesis.
That’s what garlic and ginger do to your body. When you mix it with pineapple, it improves the taste, so you enjoy it, and you don’t see yourself taking medicine. It gives you a sense of taking food.
You will enjoy the sweet taste, and the aroma of the pineapple will overshadow the odor of the garlic. You don’t want to smell the garlic, so you use the pineapple to shield the odor of the garlic.
These are the two jobs that the pineapple will do in this mixture. Those who are diabetic may not want to use pineapple because of the high sugar content, so you may want to use something like coconut.
You can blend the coconut with garlic or use avocado pear and blend it with garlic and ginger. This will help those who are diabetic
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