Medical Reasons Why Masturbating Sometimes Is Considered Healthy

Despite the numerous myths about how masturbation or self gratification can cause blindness, make you have issues with Copulation and all, there are still no proven side effects of indulging in this act. But getting addicted to it may cause some minor physical problems; on the other hand, indulging in this act can provide some health benefits to the body.

So in this article in line with a publication on Healthline, we are going to have a look at some of the health benefits or medical reasons why masturbating sometimes is considered healthy to the body as against what the preachers or propagators of these myths tell us on a daily basis. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Indulging In Self Gratification?

1. It can relieve cramps in women or young girls who are Menstruating. As we all know indulging in copulation is considered good or advisable for women who often experience very painful menstrual cycle but if you are not married or in a relationship, indulging in self gratification can provide the relief you would have gotten from copulation itself. So it’s considered healthy in this aspect.

2. It can relieve built up stress in people who are completely single. If you are totally stressed and perhaps indulge in this act, you can have an inward relief from stress safely without risking contracting infections or diseases.

3. It can help a person sleep better. Have you ever heard the saying that after indulging in copulation, one sleeps better? It is also applicable to self gratification. If you are having issues sleeping or falling asleep after a stressful day, indulging in this act can help you sleep better.

4. It helps reduce tension or urge for copulation. Let’s not deny it, as humans or adults, we have all at one point or another felt an undying urge to make out but if you have no partner and wouldn’t want to expose yourself to potential STDs both the ones that can be prevented with barrier method or skin to skin contact with anyone, you can stick to masturbation to provide yourself a healthy relief from the urge.

These are situations where the act is considered healthy and completely acceptable.

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